The pilot whales are the whales that led sailors and whalers earlier to the large whales. Send this whale of high frequency sonar and communicate through sounds together, people develop very healing effects on us, and increase our awareness.
On the island of Gomera was reported to me by Melanie that she used to suffer from paralysis, was caused by an earlier meningitis. When she had the opportunity years ago to meet the pilot whales and to be with them several times and swim, this disease pictures are gone. Her whole life had changed as a result. She decided to settle on the island, married, and lives there with her family and is since then for the protection of these animals. The pilot whales have a strong healing effect, which is also confirmed by other therapists over again. For many years we organize repeatedly encounters for people with these animals and it is shown that above all cures are observed in the emotional and also in the spiritual realm. The pilot whale essence connect us to the fourth dimension. We are aware that space and time is an illusion and that everything is interconnected. Many people experience this moment as an initiation. Experience emotionally and spiritually in meditation, as everything is interconnected, and many people experience this moment as a moment of supreme ecstasy, in which they often also their spiritual mission in life is aware of.