Ocean Essences ®

The term ocean (plural oceans; from ancient Greek Ὠκεανός Ōkeanós 'world current flowing around the earth's disc', personified as the ancient god Okeanos) refers to the largest seas on earth. Generally speaking, large quantities of water on other celestial bodies are also called "oceans".
All our new oceanic essences come from living creatures that reside between 1000 and 4000 meters deep in the oceans and haven been studied till this day. It is therefore difficult to find useful information on them, even on the Internet. At the moment we have numerized each creature since their exact names haven't been formulated yet by the scientific comunity. Perhaps it will come to light soon through the Kiel Ocean Research Center to which we have requested it.
Anyway, from an energetic point of view these living things are extremely interesting. Colorless and transparent, they are very difficult to perceive with our eyes. They mostly look like little underwater "glass beings".
What is fascinating is their way of life and habits. Often, they ascend from the depths of the oceans to the upper water bodies. Then at dawn, as the first rays of sunshine begin illuminating the water, they plunge back into depths. In a very rudimentary way, it is also the “leitmotif” of these essences. They bring to light deep unconscious blockages in our cellular consciousness and aid to their transformation process. From our unconscious, we become aware of old blockages and we can bring them to the surface of our consciousness to consciously transform and release them.
Generally speaking, transparent living behings belong to the group of pteropods (annelid worms), tunicates (tunichatas), thaliaceans (thalicea), as well as jellyfish (cnidarias), also called "jellyfish" in scientific terms. The current pictures are of inferior quality and should be replaced with new photographic material as soon as the scientific names are cleared. When contemplating these living beings, their structure immediately made me think of the Crop Circles ones, which are also drawn by the hand of Sacred Geometry.
The combination of Ocean Essences ® with the Crop Circle Essences ® is a completely new approach in its usage. This leads to innovative possibilities for the vibratory medicine, which in turn can also be combined with Holistic Light Treatment ® (HLT) developed by PHI Essences. The oceanic essences have within them the original information of the evolutionary process history. They act directly on the cellular information. Their applications are diverse. From cell fertilization to the embryonic development that we undergo during pregnancy, which is the process that takes place in the amniotic fluid of the mother's uterus.
The first cells (mother cells) remain intact throughout life. They contain the original information, while all other cells are continually renewed over the years of life and are also modified by environmental influences, as well as by natural aging processes. Ocean Essences ® can help restore the original and unaltered information, they work by revitalizing and renewing. They mainly act on the abdomen, first and second chakra.