Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies - A natural and safe method of healing
The British physician, Dr. Bach (1886 - 1936) was a pioneer in the research of Flower Essences. Between 1930 and 1936, he developed the Bach Flower Remedies with healing power that are known by his name. Seeking solutions for his patients, he discovered the relationship between diseases, emotional states, psychological aspects and behavioral patterns of different types of personalities. Each physical illness has its origin in the emotional area, in negative moods and fears that have an influence on the internal state of harmony and disharmony. He discovered that certain plants could help to positively change those moods, transform the blockages and the disharmonies toward positive emotions.Dr. Bach discovered that the dew drops that he could find on the flowers in the early hours of the morning carried within themselves the healing power of the corresponding plants. Then, he discovered that the dew which was on the plants in the sun carried such positive energy whereas the dew on those plants that were in the dark did not. He elaborated the first flower essences with this sun method that he developed and he defined 38 emotional states with their corresponding 38 flower essences. With this method, the flowers are carefully harvested and placed in the sun on a glass platter with spring water for several hours.
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The Bach flowers can be the spiritual antithesis to our stressful lives. For this reason, the flowers according to Dr. Bach are nowadays a sought-after remedy when it comes to overcoming anxiety, stress, inner restlessness or other negative states of mind in everyday life.
All flowering plants have in common that they are attached with the roots in the earth, i.e. they are connected to the physical. But the blossom, the energetically active part, is above the surface of the Earth. We can say that the effect of flower essences is the energetic realm that is above the physical realm, but still connected to it. Flower essences - with their individual orientation - have an emotionally balancing effect in the etheric and astral areas of the body. All human development goes through the emotional body, so flower essences are important for the process of personality development. They help to overcome problems such as fears and blocking feelings, which makes development possible.
All flowering plants have in common that they are attached with the roots in the earth, i.e. they are connected to the physical. But the blossom, the energetically active part, is above the surface of the Earth. We can say that the effect of flower essences is the energetic realm that is above the physical realm, but still connected to it. Flower essences - with their individual orientation - have an emotionally balancing effect in the etheric and astral areas of the body. All human development goes through the emotional body, so flower essences are important for the process of personality development. They help to overcome problems such as fears and blocking feelings, which makes development possible.